I have asked this question to countless people (mostly in hair salons) as an alternative to small talk, and it always yields interesting results.


  • You get the money right now, right where you are. If it’s 10pm and you’re in the middle of nowhere, your money will still go poof at 11pm.
  • As a result of the above, tell us what time it is and roughly where you are (big city, desert, small town, …)
  • You must spend the money. You cannot give it to someone to hold on to it for you for a while.
  • Normal world rules apply, e.g. you cannot buy a $250k car at a dealership in 1h in cash, and you cannot buy a house in 1h either.
  • Remember that getting from where you are to the place you need to go takes time. Factor that in!

Edit: I’m glad you guys had fun with this one. Feel free to post similar hypothetical questions. I kinda like these.

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  • Well i am not going to respond to this post until I am in the bank…Ahh crap.

    Well Sunday afternoon… Ummm

    I would probably look for a local gold/ prescious metals shop. But i don’t know if they have that much on hand.

    An alternative would be Costco. I should be able to get there in 15 minutes and then maybe that is enough time for me to explain the situation and give me a bar code scanner and access to that locked room with all of the expenses stuff is. And I will just start scanning like mad.

    Along the way to Costco i can call family and friends and they can meet me there to help coordinate.

    After that it is just a matter of reselling everything. Or i guess it is Costco i could just return it all. Although that doesn’t feel right lol.