Right now a lot of us are trying to divest and diversify from having our entire lives on Google both because of the way Google spends its money and the long-standing privacy concerns seeming a bit more scary now.
What services have you switched to and what has your experience been? What do you like, what don’t you like, would you recommend them?
Would you mind hitting us with a direct link to tubular? This is one of the biggest hindrances to getting completely off google
Sure, no problem: https://f-droid.org/packages/org.polymorphicshade.tubular/
I can’t get it to work. It works for you?
Yes, I just checked, and it’s working. You shouldn’t have to do anything special either.
The only thing I have trouble with sometimes is watching videos YouTube has flagged as age-restricted videos or whatever. I have to click “watch in browser” and open them in Firefox while signed in. But I rarely encounter this.
You could check their github and see if anyone else has had a problem, but the link I gave you is the version I use.