• Appointments years in the future are meaningless, because fuck if I know whether something will come up that means I have to move into a different city or whatever.

      Sure I’ll write it down, but doing so feels ironic in that case

    • A lot of my friends legitimately don’t know how to use a calendar or just don’t do it if they do know. I try to plan a few weeks out and ask what they’re doing, “oh i don’t know”. I ask them if they can find out and then they never get back to me until a week before if they remember at all. I don’t understand it.

    • I know its exaggeration but if my dentist can’t book me every 6 months i’d question their ability to take care of me as a patient. thats what I’m used to, and what I was taught was normal, so if I’m waiting over a year I’m gonna think thats a little suspicious