Whether it be due to scheduling, lack of interested players, or some other reason, what’s an RPG system you’re just hoping to get to the table one of these days but haven’t been able to yet?

  • I’m most excited to play Worlds Without Numbers. I ran a short Stars Without Numbers and really liked it. Running a similar system in the Latter Earth setting is really exciting.

    Also… Lancer, Mausritter, knave second edition, Cities, Without Number, and Call of Cthulhu. The list keeps growing

        • It was my first *WN game, so it could just be the basic system itself. Letting players choose the attribute/Skill before the role had been great for my group.

          Things like letting a bruiser use talk+STR to threaten someone lets more players participate in more situations. Also, not having modifiers so high that rolling basically doesn’t matter is such a nice change.

          • you’re making it more difficult to decide if the next game I run will be Worlds Without number or Cities Without Number haha. I haven’t sat down and read through any of the kickstarter materials for CWN yet but, I’ll have to make time for it. Maybe I could get away with combining them somehow. At least it sounds like the series of “without numbers” should be mostly cross compatible