Whether it be due to scheduling, lack of interested players, or some other reason, what’s an RPG system you’re just hoping to get to the table one of these days but haven’t been able to yet?

  • I’m most excited to play Worlds Without Numbers. I ran a short Stars Without Numbers and really liked it. Running a similar system in the Latter Earth setting is really exciting.

    Also… Lancer, Mausritter, knave second edition, Cities, Without Number, and Call of Cthulhu. The list keeps growing

        • It was my first *WN game, so it could just be the basic system itself. Letting players choose the attribute/Skill before the role had been great for my group.

          Things like letting a bruiser use talk+STR to threaten someone lets more players participate in more situations. Also, not having modifiers so high that rolling basically doesn’t matter is such a nice change.

          • you’re making it more difficult to decide if the next game I run will be Worlds Without number or Cities Without Number haha. I haven’t sat down and read through any of the kickstarter materials for CWN yet but, I’ll have to make time for it. Maybe I could get away with combining them somehow. At least it sounds like the series of “without numbers” should be mostly cross compatible

  • So so many, honestly! “So many games/books/etc. and yet so little time” truly is the story of my life.

    Currently at the top of my list are DIE PRG and Colostle though, followed by Wildsea and Household.

  • Frankly, I’d really like to play D&D 5e, but I can’t get anyone else to DM. Same for Call of Cthulhu 7e.

    As far as systems I haven’t run before, I’m interested to see what MCDM’s system turns out to be.

    Stars without Numbers seems cool (though I do prefer a system that lets me use dice I can’t find in a Monopoly box).

    I own, but have not played (player or GM) the Avatar Legends system. It looks very lovingly put together, but I wish it hadn’t been built on Fate.

    I’ve also got a neat little indie(?) system called Upwind that is very narrative focused, and has players sort of bet on suggested conflict outcomes against the GM with a hand of cards. Very interesting, but I haven’t had the bandwidth to get ready to run it for anyone.

  • I run a group that runs one-shots most weeks, so I usually get to at least try most games i’m interested in.

    However, there are a few RPGs more suited to campaigns that i’ve never gotten around to trying. Two that come to mind:

    • Ars Magica
    • Pendragon
  • Oh geez. Where do I start?

    • Legend of the Five Rings. It’s hard to find people to play it, let alone people willing to invest time reading the lore.
    • The One Ring 2E. This one I can play in Strider mode, but I’d love to play with a Fellowship.
    • Esoteric Enterprises. Nobody seems interested in playing this one.
    • Ironsworn and Starforged in co-op mode. These two are amazing for co-op, but again, little interest from others.

    I’ve got hundreds of others, but these are the ones I think about most.

      • Let’s see…

        • Black Star. This is a new game, so not too many people are aware of it. I’d consider this a rules light Star Wars game.
        • White Star. Despite the similar names, it’s made by different people than Black Star and the mechanics are wildly different. However, I’d also say this is Star Wars-esque sci-fi.

        There are also a couple Savage Worlds sci-fi settings that look neat, like Titan Effect and Interface Zero. I feel like I’m missing a big sci-fi game I really want to play, but I can’t think of it off the top of my head.

  • Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. I’ve played it before, but I really want to run it myself.

    I’m also interested in either playing or running Black Sword Hack: Ultimate Chaos Edition. I’ve run the regular first edition Black Hack, but I much prefer the overt Sword & Sorcery style of BSH.

  • I’ve been meaning to run a Savage Worlds game for the longest time, mostly hoping for a Weird West, classic fantasy or a XCOM/SCP kinda game, but nothing has ever come of it.

    • Savage Worlds has been in my orbit for a while but I’ve never played it or ran it. I’m working on a Weird West campaign at the moment that will likely be played in Genesys but I’ve been reading and stealing from Savage Worlds things along the way.

    • Barbarians of Lemuria
    • Forbidden Lands
    • Hillfolk
    • Mythras
    • Lancer
    • ICON
    • Eclipse Phase 1e
    • Worlds Without Number
    • Shadow of the Weird Wizard
    • Swords of the Serpentine

    There are probably a lot more that I’m forgetting at the moment, but these have been on my mind a lot lately. Everyone’s gravitated toward D&D5e for the last ~10 years, so I haven’t had a lot of chances to play in or run campaigns in many other systems.

    • Ironsworn: You’d think this wouldn’t be on the list considering that it’s free and solo but I can’t seem to motivate myself to start a campagin
    • Fabula Ultima: Bought it cuz the aesthetics appealed to me. Was not able to start anything after reading though.
    • Pathfinder 2e

    And also a lot of other stuff from previous itch.io queer/ charity bundles:

    • Michtim
    • Parselings
    • Gubat Banwa
    • Armor Astir
  • I’ve got 3 systems I’d either like to play in or run:

    • Traveller
    • Avatar Legends
    • Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    I’m hoping to be a PC in Traveller but likely will try and run the other two at some point in the future.

    Right now I’m planning some Vaesen and would like to run Tales from the Loop and Things From the Flood afterwards. Also want to run The One Ring and Star Trek Adventures but at least I’m a PC in an STA game so that’s good.