What makes Lemmy part of the Fediverse? Can one follow a Lemmy community from say a Mastodon account and receive post updates from the Lemmy Community when someone posts to the community they are following?

  • @creatinglake Yep, you can. I used to follow !linux from my Mastodon account. Now I’m commenting from my Friendica account!

    I will say though, following Lemmy via Mastodon isn’t ideal. No downvotes, link posts mess up the “copy link to post” feature, all the replies are forced into your timeline as boosts, and you can’t actually post to the forums (only reply) because there are no post titles.

    •  _ed   ( @_ed@sopuli.xyz ) 
      1 year ago

      Aah you’re going to make me test out a frendica account now :D I’ve only seen how it works from mastodon, which is limited but usable…

      Have never got it working from my pleroma instance, but that just may be my lack of sysadmin skills.

    • I hear ya. I am wondering if what we ultimately want is some independent Fediverse account that we an use to join any “space” like a Lemmy Community as well as each having a Feverse Feed/Inbox. Perhaps we could get notifications from the Lemmy Community posts via that feed, with a brief decryption/post about the activity. One could then either do a simple reply to the post or click on that descrition/post to open the Lemmy community (or some other Fediverse space) in a new tab to access all of the rich functionality. Does this make sense?

      • @creatinglake I’m not entirely sure what you mean, but I get the theory - you’re saying it should require only one account to use any service in the fediverse. I don’t think that’s compatible with the way ActivityPub is structured now - although it would certainly help if every server used the standard client-to-server protocol, rather than a dozen variants on Mastodon’s - but a different standard might be able to make that work. It would have a lot of implications for security, though.