I generally use the following:

  • uBlock Origin
  • SponsorBlock
  • Honey
  • Wayback Machine
  • Netflix Watch List Manager
  • Shadertoy plugin
  • RES…

What does Lemmy use?

  • On Firefox:

    • uBlock Origin
    • Bitwarden
    • Decentraleyes
    • Terms of Service; Didn’t Read
    • Firefox Multi-Account Containers
    • Facebook Container
    • Consent-O-Matic
    • Don’t Track Me Google

    …and the add-ons not related to privacy:

    • 10ten Japanese Reader (Rikaichamp)
    • Zhongwen
    • New Xkit
    • Earth View from Google Earth
    • Palette Creator
    • Save to Notion
    • Send to Outline
    • Web to EPUB

    I use most of these on Brave Browser, too.