• Jerboa was the first showing up on F-Droid and so far it’s great: minimalistic, responsive, lightweight (only 2MB or so). Don’t know why so many people are developing apps and not simply joining efforts. Makes me think they’re doing it for the purpose of doing it, and because they’re happy to work on an app and get their software engineering brain occupied by their own little project. But what will happen once this sentiment passes? Who’s gonna maintain these apps? What we need is one robust app everyone is working on together.

    • I say let them be, there are (or soon were) many different third-party apps for Reddit as well and each has their own niche of users for whom it works just right. Jerboa has plenty of devs working on it, and if in doubt I’ll always prefer having a choice between different apps. Let the free FOSS market decide!

    • The UI of this app honestly makes be feel a bit braindead at times, the process of finding the drop down necessary to even log in made be feel like I unlocked an easter egg in a point and click adventure game. It could use some more thought considering the backend of it is otherwise very well put together.