So I’m in the process of switching from Spotify to Tidal for my music streaming (since Tidal pays artists like three times more than Spotify does). The only problem is, Tidal doesn’t support podcasts, which is another big thing I used Spotify for.

So what are some good apps for podcasts? I listen both on my PC and my Android phone, and I’m not really thrilled about the idea of paying for another subscription (so now I’m making two payments to cover the functionality I got with a single, cheaper payment). I’m cool with paying a one-time up-front fee, though.

Any suggestions?

    • Ah, well now I feel silly. I didn’t notice the triple dot menu button at the end of the “Episodes” entries. However, it does look like you can only do this from a podcast you’ve already started playing from elsewhere, bringing up the “Podcasts” section and clicking the menu buttons on each podcast only lets me view the podcast’s home page, or its RSS feed directly (instead of letting me see a list of episodes and choosing one from said list).

      So it seems like you could do Mobile (start episode) -> Web (resume episode, then pause again) -> Mobile (finish episode) but you can’t do Web (start episode) -> …

      However I could be of course overlooking something again 😅