So I want to setup a messaging server in my home that works like Telegram or Whatsapp - it should use the local network as we plan on moving around a lot of photos and files between our devices for some projects

What should I use? XMPP? Or Matrix? Or is there something else that’s ideal for local networks?


  • I don’t recall matrix-synapse needing to talk to any outside systems, unless you federate, generate url previews, or use integrations?

    And can’t you just self-host element, too? I do.

    But maybe nextcloud talk, then.

    And don’t try to guide OP away from what they say they need. Suggest options, fine, but I for one think their decision to try and accommodate existing habits of users, is the correct one.

    •  poVoq   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      Its not strictly needed but everything is build with that assumption in mind and thus there will be many papercuts.

      Yes you can self-host Element, but you have to be very careful with the setup to avoid cors issues and I think it will also permanently show a big warning if the connection is not via HTTPS.