So i have dylexia and autism so im not sure, when i was little i was told i was a creative writter, people could have said that just becasue though. how do you even start writting and what makes an idea worth writting, where do i even begin? i hope to make a book one day or somethign like that maybe even a screenplay or somethign but idk, also feel free to add something if you wish too becasue im kind alost when it comes to life and hobbys. fanfic seems interesting but also cringe so im not too sure as i said also what is the point of writting fanfic.

also sorry if im aksing too many questions about hobbys and such.

  • I feel like the goal of most fanfics is to tell the story in a way the author felt like it should have bee told

    This exactly! Fanfiction, when it’s not just daydreaming, is opinionated critical analysis (if it’s really engaging with the original story) or turning elemets of it into cultural symbols, which no one thinks is “cringe” when someone does it with old mythology.

    It seems like a lot of ancient cultures often reinterpreted their myths, without much concern about what was “canonical” so long as it was still recognizable.

    Now, though, and I wonder if Abrahamic religion has something to do with this, everyone’s so obsessed about ownership of a story. It’s got to be exactly as the original teller told it or it’s wrong.