• I think that you are missing how people have a variety of capabilities and intelligence. I would pose you this theoretical to ponder. You have a maze, and six rats. Of the six, one finds the exit with ease, while the other five struggle and don’t find the exit. Yay for the smart, efficient rat!

    What are you going to do with the other five? Maybe some of them can learn the maze, but is there any utility in this now? Will you, knowing their deficiencies, throw them back into the maze over and over until they learn it? Some of them never will. Is this not a cruelty to them? What benefit do you derive from doing that?

    Beware this feeling: “I worked hard and I made it, while these fuckers dicked around. They don’t deserve anything.” That thought is entirely focused on yourself, and does nothing but cause suffering in others. What do you wish to do about the others, leaving your own feelings out of it. What is best for society? You know they are not as efficient and hard working as you are, but you really do not know why this is the case. What will you do about that?

    Those are the useful questions. Feelings of self righteousness help no one. They harm even you.

    • plenty of my friends were smarter and more capable than me. they simple chose not to develop their abilities. a lot of them had wealthier parents than me too and didn’t have to pay for school like i did. they chose drugs and being deadbeats.

      people have free will. do we want to actively subsidize people fucking up their lives? that they choose suffering when they had other options? that’s a hard thing to say yes to for the majority of people.

      not everyone is an angel who is misunderstood. lots and lots of people are assholes. just look at what happens when rich and successful people have positions of power… they pull the ladder up behind them. hence the system we have now.

      it’s not about righteousness, it’s about how people behave. and lots of people behave poorly and without consideration for their futures or anyone else around them. they ignore opportunity and abuse privileges.

      people really seem to think the rich and evil and the poor are good… but they aren’t. they are just people.

      nobody owes anyone anything. i’m not talking about theoretical questions, I’m talking about the real world in which people make choices for themselves. and a lot of people choose poorly even when they have good opportunities.