• I hate those “pull yourself up by your boostraps” people, who don’t realised the phrase was coined satirically because it’s impossible to actually pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

  • The thing that gripes me is that it’s not even necessary to want a good life for other people to arrive at the conclusion that one should support things like this.

    One could be completely self-absorbed and self-interested and still arrive at the same conclusions. All it requires is the bare modicum of thought necessary to figure out that society as a whole benefits when people have to put up with less shit and anything that benefits society as a whole benefits me.

    It’s not even complicated or particularly subtle.

    •  Martineski   ( @Martineski@lemmy.fmhy.ml ) OP
      1 year ago

      Fuck, I downvoted you and started writing an argument against you because I though that you responded to one of the posts on my sub “fuck cars” but then I noticed the sub where you commented LMFAO

      Edit: for clarification, you’re upvoted now.

      Edit2: to elaborate further, I thought you were talking about cyclists.

  • The sad thing is that even if you don’t give a shit about other people, it would still be beneficial to make sure everyone is taken care of.

    Imagine if we didn’t have to worry about people stealing our bikes or breaking into our basement because everyone had enough money to not have to steal stuff.

    Or if we didn’t have to worry about our kids getting a good enough job because even if they follow their passion their jobs would still pay enough to have a good life.

    • Like everything in our life there is a golden middle. You can not have zero social safety net, and you can not (at least yet, or at least it is sub-optimal for human development) have absolutely everything taken care off. But where is this middle is is the question different people answer differently.

      • Yeah, I’m not asking for literal handouts (except for people who are unable to work because of illness/disabilities). I’m just asking for wages to be enough to rent a reasonably sized apartment close to work, with enough free time to raise their kids.

        I’m sure most people would prefer having a job to stealing stuff.

      • exactly.

        people really seem to not get how complex this stuff is. you can’t force people into a better life.

        plenty of homeless simple choose to live life on the streets. they do not want intervention or care. they want to steal and do drugs. these core set of people is what drives the ‘image’ of homelessness.

        most homeless people are actually just in a temporary situation and will use the resources to get back on their feet. but certain people refuse to help themselves and won’t ever accept help no matter what is offered.

        • they do not want intervention or care

          I’m don’t think you can say that in general. They might not want the intervention and care they are offered, which usually comes with strings attached. Eg. homeless shelters in my city require you to arrive at a specific time, leave at a specific time, and you can’t bring alcohol. Plenty of non-homeless people would be kicked out of their home if they had to stick to those rules.

  • Isn’t it weird how policies that help the poor are treated like a zero sum game (“anything they get is less for the rest of society”) but policies that help the rich are treated as good for everyone (“a rising tide lifts all boats”).

    • That’s capitalism for you where rich have significant control over media and people are uneducated enough to realise those problems. And people that know about the issues mostly don’t do anything bacause people don’t have energy and time to organise and push for the better future because everyone is fucking overworked from trying to literally just live.

  • Yeah I agree with the statements in that picture. Plus, counties that don’t support their population get weaker as a whole. The USA for instance is a much weaker country when it comes to education, health, population growth, and military strength because we kept screwing over the majority of people to benefit a tiny amount of people at the top that barely spend their money.

    Now that we’re potentially in a great power competition with China, we’re starting to see how behind we’ve gotten compared to what we should be. All because our oligarchs don’t understand that helping the average person makes the whole country stronger. It’s the real example of “A rising tide lifts all boats”.

    The only good new is that China stupidly is following our example and lowering its birth rate and power by also being an oligarchy that screws over workers. So much for “communism”.