What are some of your favorite scifi book authors, and books by them?

Alastair Reynolds has written on of my favorites ever, House of Suns, and I really like the lore of his Revelation Space universe. I especially enjoyed the spinoffs exploring the Yellowstone demarchy centered around Panoply.

Inhibitor Phase ended up a weaker entry, imo, charachters that felt a bit too much like Mary Sues. Like mere excuses to exposition dump about the universe itself. Which did enjoy immensely. Still I would much rather have seen some large scale change occur, rather than a the mere zoom-in on some catalytic events.

  • Neal Asher, the Polity series. Greg Egan, so many but start with Permutation City maybe. Neither are as beloved as the Revelation Space ones for me, but I really enjoyed them. Also Uplift Series by David Brin (Tchaikovsky, too} for uplift fiction, Fast Times at Fairmont High by Vernor Vinge of you like singularity fiction, Charles Stross’ Accelerando is a bunch of great, weird short fiction with ties between the stories. I have only read Bobiverse book 1 but it was good, I will probably read more. Stephenson, I love them all, maybe Anathem best of all. I’ll stop here because this is something I could probably keep going with for quite a while hehe.