belated again, we’re once again busy but everything continues to run smoothly. hoping for no huge migration, also we’re updating to 0.18 Soon
i am unimaginably sleepy
belated again, we’re once again busy but everything continues to run smoothly. hoping for no huge migration, also we’re updating to 0.18 Soon
i am unimaginably sleepy
My annual review morphed into a long meeting where the outcome was all involved realized the position wasn’t going to allow me any growth, and they can’t just create a higher-paying position for me (10 employees total), and they don’t really want automation because what they have requires no training.
On the plus side, no one’s really eager for me to go, so I have quite a bit of paid runway. I’d been thinking more over the weekend anyway about how I couldn’t honestly say I was enjoying my job anymore, and I guess I hadn’t been hiding that as well as I thought.
Now, all I need to do is find a new job while executing an even larger lifestyle change.
Good luck with the job search! Sounds like new and exciting things may be on the way for you. With any life style change, be kind and patient with yourself.
Good luck friend. What field are you in?
That’s a big part of the overall question. My background is journalism, and I’m more willing to do entry-level grunt work than use my experience to in any way deceive or manipulate people. I’m looking at analyst roles that hew to my conscience.