• I actually deleted my main account on Reddit a few months back because the toxicity in any comment I posted started to weigh me down (even in the r/Australia sub, it became clear that a lot of people there likely weren’t Australian).

      I’ve noticed things have degraded even more there in the past week, and in the Aussie subs, most of them have gone fully toxic.

        • Idk, I acknowledge it must be a pain in the ass to know whether you can call someone the equivalent of “dude” or not, but I feel like that one’s fair. When you recognize something utterly mundane is a high insult in someone else’s culture, you kinda stop using it towards them unless you intend the insult.

          I sure as shit wouldn’t just drop the honorifics with a middle eastern/asian stranger or walk around their house in street shoes just because doing so is unremarkable where I’m from.