She has some criticisms for her past as an attorney, but I’m not sure why she’s so disliked now. What has she done to engender such distaste from the public?

  • The DNC doesn’t put their thumb on the scale as much as people like to pretend. The real problem is the under 40 crowd simply not showing up to vote in primaries. There is nothing stopping the same turnout in general elections happening in primaries except people refusing to get off their couches.

    • Bernie was the frontrunner in 2020, and Biden was doing terribly, until the DNC brokered a deal with all of the other candidates to have them simultaneously drop out and endorse Biden.

      In 2016, the DNC had a special fundraising deal with Hillary that funneled joint money directly into her campaign.

      IMO these are good examples of the Democratic establishment internally picking a candidate and throwing their weight behind that candidate. I haven’t seen anything like this from the RNC.

      • Bernie was the frontrunner in 2020, and Biden was doing terribly, until the DNC brokered a deal with all of the other candidates to have them simultaneously drop out and endorse Biden.

        There’s nothing illegal or unethical about that. The party is entitled to support the candidate they think has the best chance of winning, and they were proven right when he got the most votes in history… while Trump got the second most in history. At that point if Bernie were the more popular candidate he should have been able to beat Biden head to head and he didn’t. Because progressive voters talk a good game but are too lazy to actually show up for primaries. You get out of the system what you put into it and believe it or not the DNC doesn’t throw it’s weight behind establishment candidates because they hate progressivism, they do it because progressive voters are historically less reliable. And lo and behold Biden got 19 million votes to Bernie’s 9. This is literally a “prove us wrong” situation with the DNC. Show them a progressive candidate is viable by voting for one. But don’t be surprised when the DNC is prioritizing winning the general election and in doing so is already promoting the candidate they know has the best chance of winning. That’s literally the entire purpose of a party apparatus existing in the first place.

        In 2016, the DNC had a special fundraising deal with Hillary that funneled joint money directly into her campaign.

        Again, nothing wrong with that. Bernie lost because more people voted for Hillary, not because she had more money. She beat him by 4 million votes. 4 million real human beings. Not party elite. Bernie was winning the caucuses, the parts of the primary where regular voters don’t get a say. But when the voters got their turn, they made their choice free of coercion. Bernie had more than 4 million additional supporters easily who sat on the sidelines, watched the outcome, and then complained without ever considering actually participating. I guarantee you that. Feels like about 3 million of them gave me shit daily on Reddit back in 2017 when I said all these same things then. All openly accusing the DNC of rigging the outcome while admitting they didn’t vote in the primary because they refused to register with a party that “rigged” primaries, despite the fact that the accusations of rigging occurred after said primary was over. So I guess being too lazy and jaded to even show up is somehow everyone’s fault but their own.

        I haven’t seen anything like this from the RNC.

        We shouldn’t be emulating the RNC. A fascist authoritarian party that got Trump because they don’t vette their candidates and the party has gone completely insane as a result and the country will never be the same again. Not exactly a glowing example of good outcomes. That’s exhibit A 1 for why a political party exercising some level of discretion over which of their candidates gets the most attention isn’t inherently bad. And believe me, with Trump’s upcoming legal troubles, you’re going to see some pretty heavy scale tipping in favor of DeSantis by next spring.