belated again, we’re once again busy but everything continues to run smoothly. hoping for no huge migration, also we’re updating to 0.18 Soon

i am unimaginably sleepy

  • I took next week off from work just because I can and I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’d like to make the most of it but I can’t decide between doing something really cool and doing nothing at all; both are tempting!

    Otherwise, things are going pretty great. I might be able to go full remote at work (which would mean I don’t need to quit anymore), and I’ve prepared a wonderful peach, feta & cucumber salad for lunch.

      •  alex [they/them]   ( ) 
        2 years ago

        I am incredibly lucky to live in a country that strongly protects workers, to have no children and to be able to afford an apartment 10mins away from my partner’s place rather than living together and depending on each other’s calendar. I remember how lucky I am every day.

        I really hope the baby is doing well and that things will settle down in a year or two - obviously it’s still not going to be “unspoken for time”, but hopefully things will settle down a bit at least!