For me I say that a truck with a cab longer than its bed is not a truck, but an SUV with an overgrown bumper.

  •  Nanokindled   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Microsoft Word is a bad piece of software that is poorly designed, laughably unoptimized, and mostly dysfunctional. It’s like a passenger car with seven wheels arranged in an irregular septagon, a 1 gallon gas tank, and a kitchen stool for a seat.

    Also hype clothes are a tremendous waste and reveal the hollowness and meaninglessness that underlies most fashion

    •  t0fr   ( ) 
      101 year ago

      I hate Microsoft Word. It’s so inefficient. When the template breaks and you spend an hour trying to fix some formatting. Just give me a latex template and let me focus on the actual content please.

    • This but Outlook. Thunderbird is superior in every way. Exchange is a PITA. E-mail is e-mail - it’s been the same for 30+ years. Why is Outlook always so broken?

      “Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window. The set of folders could not be opened.” Why not? It’s not rocket science. It’s just e-mail! And the only solution? Delete the profile and start again, only for Outlook to spit out an equally unhelpful error a week and a half later. How could software so expensive and so widely used be so unstable??

      • It’s fine as long as you don’t try to write quicky, or get into the zone as you write, or format the text, or use multimedia elements, or - god forbid - enter a bulleted list. The combination of the massive install file, slow operating, unintuitive layout, and fully just broken autoformatting means that using Word adds like 20-30% to the completion time of any project longer than a page, in addition to making it look like crap unless you invest a ton of effort.

        Word would instantly fail if launched today as a new product. It exists and is used because Microsoft has a monopoly on office software, and for no other reason. Even Apple’s alternative is better despite having no new features, just because some effort was put in to make it look decent and give the user control over the document.

        And yeah latex is excellent for the end results, although it’s also clunky and awkward to actually compose in.

      • Yeah. Supreme is the ultimate example, but also stuff like yeezees. And far be it from me to judge those more fashionable than myself. But most streetwear / hype stuff is just normal stuff but really shit quality and with the price upped by an order of magnitude b/c of intense social media FOMO. So, so dumb