Spent 20 minutes trying to find a thread that fit what I wanted but everyone seems to be willing to watch all of Star Trek. I tried TOS and while it’s not bad I don’t want to watch every single episode of Star Trek to get into the show…

What’s the best order to watch the most universally enjoyed Star Trek series’ and movies? I really enjoyed Lower Decks as a fan of Final Space and Strange New World’s looks incredible. I want to start with the earlier series but not have to watch all of it!

  • to be perfectly honest, order doesn’t really matter. There is a small amount of interplay between TNG and DS9 and that’s about it. Watch it in whatever order fancies you, as long as you don’t watch Enterprise first because it’s high level of boredom might turn you off

    Trust me when I say that if Trek strikes your fancy, you probably will want to devour the rest

    personally I would suggest starting with TNG, that one definitely qualifies as the “most universally loved”. Plus, if you liked Lower Decks, then TNG-era Trek is likely to be your jam anyway

    after TNG, watch DS9 and Voyager in whatever order you want. They ran concurrently originally, with DS9 having started a couple years before Voyager. You can watch the TNG movies anytime after finishing TNG bearing in mind that First Contact has minor consequences in DS9 (you will mainly notice a uniform change that coincided with the release of that movie)

    watch the TOS movies at some point! they are much easier to get into than TOS proper. Just bear in mind that the even numbered ones are generally better liked than the odd numbered ones.