sense ai is still trending, what acatly can we do with them that might be useful. ive been using chatgpt for code but the best thing ive got so far is something like pong, i would code myself but i find it way too hard for my brain and i struggle with almost everything. i feel like i could do more with ai but im not sure what.

got any idea or what have you been doing with ai tools?

  • I was doing some photography with a 50mm equivalent prime and didn’t want to go back to my car to get a wider lens for a shot that I was a bit too close to get the framing I wanted for. So I took 6 photos of the scene and stitched them together as a panorama with Hugin.

    Turns out I was missing the bottom right corner and I had a big black square ruining the shot. So I took the post-processed panorama into GIMP, drew a crude outline of what I thought would be there and used StableDiffusion’s Img2Img to generate the missing bit.

    A little messy, but better than losing the image entirely.
    (Unfortunately the image includes things that would get me doxxed instantly)

    As for LLM’s. Apparently GIMP doesn’t have a bulk export function that exports all active images at once. So instead of exporting 140 images that I had masked for photogrammetry manually one at a time, I asked Bing Chat if it could make me a GimpFu script to batch export.

    It gave me this:

    from gimpfu import *
    def export_all_images():
        for image in gimp.image_list():
            filename = image.filename
            if filename:
                new_filename = filename.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".jpg"
                pdb.gimp_file_save(image, image.active_layer, new_filename, new_filename)
                print("Image has no filename. Skipping.")

    which worked and saved me quite a bit of time.

      • Right now, LLM’s (large language models) aren’t really up to the task of making an entire (large) application from scratch with nothing but a concept to go on. Maybe in a year or two but for the moment your best bet would probably be to use a pre-made game engine that doesn’t require a lot of coding then leaning on the better LLM’s like ChatGPT-4 (paid) or Bing Chat (free but uses GPT-4 AFAIK) to help with hurdles doing game scripting.

        I don’t have a lot of experience with game creation so hopefully someone with more domain specific knowledge comes along, but in the past I stumbled across Godot looking for a good free open source game engine.

        Sorry I can’t be more helpful than that.