I don’t post on reddit since I know how futile it is to create any change given its size, but given Lemmy is small I might as well give it a try here.

I’ve been seeing a lot of posts here lately similar the doom and gloom clickbait headlines you would see from news companies. In fact, most top posts seem to have that “Reddit feel” to them.

Please know that posts don’t have to all be negative, there exists positive news in the world and especially positive news when it comes to technology.

For example, did you know a release of a new fully open source LLM called OpenLLaMA just got announced by the Researchers at Berkeley AI Research?

  • I don’t believe keeping people hooked up was the driving force when e.g. upvotes or subscriptions were designed and implemented for e.g. Lemmy. They are just quite practical and nice features to have.

    I suppose if the argument is (is it?) that making sites nicer to use makes them also addictive—and I suppose in some sense that is true—then my counter-argument would be that it doesn’t mean that the reason for making them nicer to use was to induce addiction.