• I really like the overall concept of Lemmy, so I decided to set up lemm.ee to support the Lemmy network with my skillset. I have previously had the privilege of being responsible for running large platforms online (end-to-end, everything from operations to software engineering), and so far, this experience seems to be extremely relevant for running Lemmy in its current state.

    As for paying for hosting, my initial plan was to to just pay for everything myself as kind of a hobby, but the userbase at lemm.ee has been very gracious in first asking me several times to share costs, and then actually sending money once I set up donations. I’m not sure yet if this donations-based funding will be sustainable, or if it will fall off after the initial hype dies, but for now it’s really awesome to see that there are several other people who believe in lemm.ee and want to share financial responsibility for it.

    • I’ve been hosting a gaming server plus other related stuff myself for some years now.

      While the user base will definitely be different, relying solely on donations is unfortunately not sustainable long-term. Donations fluctuate massively based on time of year in my experience. So it’s always good to periodically remind your community that lemm.ee needs donations to survive long-term.

      When I do those reminders, users come out of the woods in droves to donate. It’s less that they’re unwilling to donate and more that they just forget to donate.

      • Yes … if anyone is a developer looking for ways to provide value to the fediverse … I suspect the donation process is probably of high value.

        I don’t know the best way for it to be done … but something so that it’s easy for users to setup a single or regular donation and easy for devs and admins to put the relevant button right into their platform … all so that whoever is willing to donate has every opportunity to do so.

      • Yes, and I know it’s counter to the core motivations of this movement, but probably need a centralized repository for donation that can be a universal door for funds that can then be distributed to vulnerable, but active, instances. Needs to be run by a collective of reps from instances meeting a minimum threshold of support for the community. Also needs to be nimble enough to revoke funding is an instance takes a hard evil turn.

        Or maybe just an app/site that recommends a distribution of a set monthly amount (e.g. 30 bucks) to the instances you use the most as a user?

        • I don’t think we need that at all. Each instance can look after its own hosting and funding.

          A centralised pot is asking for trouble - what about theft or corruption? What happens about disagreements like defederation? Seems a lot more trouble than it’s worth.

          • I hear you, but with funding you want to remove barriers when someone has that moment of generosity. I deliberately said it was counter and not an easy solve by any means, but if I decide to donate, then start to think…

            • which instance?
            • do I think they have longevity?
            • do I support more than one?
            • If yes to above, what’s the split?
            • had I looked into people’s ethics enough to donate money to them
            • etc., etc.

            All that is a great way for me to say, “I’ll get to this later when I have time” and ultimately not donate at all - even if I had the initial impulse to do so.

            Versus, this is the pot, it’s vetted, or had a transparent structure and communal management and a plan to distribute based on need.

            If we’re serious about this place maintaining at scale (or better, collection of places) it’s a hard problem we might want to invest time in.