As far as I see that instance is a far-right cess pool. Everything I’ve got from that instance were low-quality transphobic “news articles”.

  • Right, they never stated otherwise, but transphobic measures doesn’t necessarily make one a nazi. It makes you awful but there are different kinds of awful than just nazism. The risk of calling everyone a nazi is that you dilute what the word actually means so that you risk generalizing and uniting the awful people instead of separating them based on their various horrendous opinions.

    • The vast majority of people screaming about bathrooms in the US are in fact Nazis or nazi adjacent.

      There is NO reason to dump that much hate on like two or three people per state unless you just enjoy the cruelty.

        • Uh, no, a lot of the people screaming about this are those on the far-right, who literately share memes with holocaust denial, wear swastikas, go to Neo-nazi rallies, etc. This is well known to hate watch groups, so this is not an exaggeration. We are literately talking about Nazi supporters, not just saying they are ‘like nazis’.

          • I don’t know what to say except you’re just wrong. Not all transphobes are nazis, and calling them nazis just makes you look dumb. You can go slog through their bullshit if you like. All nazis are transphobes, of course, but it doesn’t work the other way. A TERF isn’t a nazi, and is probably a fan of the whole “punch a nazi” movement.

            You don’t NEED to call them nazis is the crazy thing. Being a transphobe is enough of a horrible thing. By also throwing in the nazi thing you make people just totally dismiss you as an uninformed person.

    • Please explain how they differ?

      Edit (2): TL;DR (and the first thought I had which then escaped me when I went to type my original reply but has now returned): The Venn diagram of Nazis and transphobes has massive overlap, but even those that don’t fit in both are bad and harmful in their own right, so who are you really defending here?

      And before you try
      “Nazism wasn’t about transphobia”:


      “Transphobes today have nothing to do with Nazism”:

      Edit (1) because sent too soon:
      Not wanting to admit it to themselves and/or being wilfully ignorant in defence of their cognitive dissonance, nor you personally not liking it, doesn’t make transphobes any less supporters of what is without a doubt a Nazi (if not Nazi inspired, which doesn’t make it better) ideology, attitude, and behaviour.

          • That’s why when you ask them to clarify they go quiet,

            That Sartre quote again but with the relevant bit in bold:

            “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”

        • And on a completely unrelated note - I was only able to see your reply by going to your profile overview (love the render btw!), OP seems to have vanished, even under the comments tab on each of our profiles the ones made here are gone. Is this what happens here when a post gets removed?
          E:never mind, that’s my confusion.

    • What people don’t get is that when someone is called a Nazi, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they literally identify completely with Nazi ideology.

      Rather it is about the pattern of behavior that is equivalent to the Nazi pattern of behavior.

      For that to be true, people do not need to, for example, hate and want to kill Jews. “Jews” could be replaced by anything else, for example trans people, and it’s still valid to call them a Nazi.

      If one does not want to be called a Nazi, maybe don’t try to get rid of a group of people that haven’t done anything bad.

      • It’s not a moot point when we consider the fluidity of language and the potential for any group to manipulate terms to suit their interests. If someone can blanket-label their opposition as a ‘transphobe’ or, more extreme, a ‘Nazi’, it bypasses meaningful debate and eradicates the chance to understand differing viewpoints. This not only oversimplifies complex discussions, but it also fosters a lazy and destructive discourse that can fuel animosity rather than understanding. We need to be challenged. A tree that grows without wind will not have the strength to stand in a storm.