Sorry for the late post this week! What’s been stuck in your head this week? What songs or albums have you been obsessed with?

Introduce someone to something new and awesome or maybe discover something new yourself!

  •  Evolone   ( ) OP
    41 year ago

    For me, I’ve been listening to In The Shadows by Mercyful Fate and have been enjoying it a lot. Wasn’t super familiar with MF before so I’m exploring their discography.

    Last week, another user shared Endless Battle by Wytch Hazel with me and it’s been my favorite song I’ve heard in a long time.

    Finally, discovered Crown Lands today…they’re like a modern day Rush revival…I am quickly getting addicted to this. Their recent album, Fearless, has extreme 2112 vibes.

    • MF! Danish black metal 🤘 On of my most epic concert experiences was King Diamond (lead singer of MF) at a smallish rock club in Aarhus.

      •  Evolone   ( ) OP
        11 year ago

        I’ve been exploring more Danish black metal lately. So cool that you got to see King Diamond! I’ve been reading a book (Lords of Chaos) which is about the history and influence of black metal and it’s been a great time.