A video about the effectiveness of the Reddit protest

  • I’ve deleted reddit from my phone. I haven’t deleted my account, it’s just going to remain dormant. Had smth like 200k+ karma. I’m just gonna chill here instead, it seems a much happier place. That, and the fact that I’m not constantly doomscrolling on my phone has done wonders for my mental health (I only do social media on my PC now, and sparingly at that).

    • This sounds exactly like me. I go on a few subreddits still on my laptop, but only because there is no place else for some of my very niche hobbies. I don’t engage anymore though, I’m not logged in, I just lurk (though that’s been made increasingly difficult to do).

      My sleep has improved a lot by not having Reddit on my phone. Better sleep = better mental health.

      Stay strong!