I’ll keep this short and sweet. Some random guy on the internet compiled together and summarized a bunch of climate research papers analyzing global trends and a bunch of different slow actors that are all going to kick in soon like the permafrost in Russia or the polar ice caps etc.

While I have not yet gone through the sources the author links and quotes extensively, this still has me extremely worried and I think that unless society somehow drastically changes and devotes a significant effort in doing something about it, we’re all going to die within half a century.

I’m sorry for bringing doomerism into a safe space like Beehaw, but I’m scared and I can’t sleep.

Also I’m not going to link the document in question because the author goes on a rant about billionaires and greed, and while I haven’t decided whether or not I agree I’m not sure the tone fits the community.

Sorry again and have a good one !

  • I wouldn’t call myself terrified, but I’m pessimistic. I’ve had this attitude for years, so the fear has faded into a constant, dull, background gloom.

    It would take major, expensive, immediate action to combat climate change in a meaningful way, and I don’t think my government (US) has the willingness to do it. It’s too corrupt, and there are too many climate deniers in positions of power.

    Now multiply that problem a few dozen times. Imagine how difficult it would be to get countries that hate each other to work together. Even if we narrow it down to the top polluters, it’s not gonna happen.

    Next, consider individuals. A lot of people are greedy, selfish, and think climate change is a hoax. Plus, people are wired for denial. That’s not a condemnation of any group. It’s just a psychological fact.

    Lastly, think about the nature of the problem itself. To avoid the worst of the consequences, we need to act before undeniable proof exists. Too many people don’t trust science, and will refuse to act until their personal standards for proof are met. Unfortunately, by the time there’s “sufficient” proof, it will be too late. Even if we could flip a switch and stop burning all fossil fuels immediately, it would take years for the environment to recover.

    Of course, I could be wrong. I’m not one of those depressing clods who uses pessimism as an excuse to do nothing. I still try to do things that don’t harm the environment, even though I think it’s useless and trivial. I live as though my actions could matter. We’ll see… sooner rather than later, I think.