It gives me hope for the future of beehaw refederating with that instance. They host some interesting communities. To be clear, I fully support beehaw defederating, it’s just heartwarming to see instance admins do things that move things forward

  •  Master   ( ) 
    422 years ago also killed their c/thedonald community. Both of those instances are doing pretty good self moderating and preventing hate. Still dont need to refederate until the tool set gets better but I have accounts on both now and read them as much or more than beehaw.

      • It’s still a step in the right direction at least, but yeah, if they don’t defederate from that instance it kind of says a lot about their attitudes. I was trying to be optimistic that them removing that community might signal that they’re going to defederate from that instance next.

        • The latest comments I saw from the admin was that they would defederate from instances with hate speech and bigotry ( but yet there’s been no action so while I want to be optimistic, it’s a bit hard. Their community already had a discussion about it and it seemed positive that they should defed but no action (

          Hopefully .World defeding will push them to act.

          • I hope so too, but at least there’s always Beehaw 🐝🤠

            Honestly I’d rather refederate with .world before them anyway, at least .world seems to be trying to keep on top of this stuff despite their massive user growth. Looking forward to updated versions of Lemmy where that more granular moderation control is available.

            • I suspect all the big servers are struggling to find footing, and I’m giving a bit of latitude in my opinions. The three mains we’re talking about here pretty much span the spectrum of management styles. It will be interesting to see them evolve.

    • My suspicion – and this is coming out of my behind – is that rather than being proactive about these things, they’re setting themselves up to learn a hard lesson about known troll tactics. They’re trying to be all free-speechy and user-decisiony, but spaces like TD just draw people who will not ever actually follow the server rules.

      So, they’ll keep dancing over this line, giving these communities the benefit of the doubt, only to discover time and again that they don’t care about their rules, and they’ll have to be banned.

      • End of the day, I think TheDude is being a naive idealist. A lot of us can see from 20,000 feet where this will lead, and can’t help but be frustrated by this approach. I’ve seen people assuming the lack of action is a backdoor endorsement, and that TheDude is more than happy to have his instance raided by the nazi instance. I’m uncertain whether I believe that, and heavily lean towards that I do not, instead thinking he’s running the 5th fastest growing instance while also falling for the Alt-Right’s playbook. He may not want his instance to be a favorite place for nazi sympathizers to hang out, but if he keeps at this, he will foster an environment where it will be a favorite place for nazi sympathizers to hang out

    • Yeah I’ve been spending about as much time on as I have on BeeHaw and I haven’t noticed anything worrying about the community on either platform. I’m open to being proven wrong of course but I just don’t yet understand the drama here. Also haven’t spent any time looking into it lol

      •  Master   ( ) 
        12 years ago

        The big thing was open registration. .world and are currently both fighting with bot accounts and spam communities since they have no built in oversight to user registration or community creation. And that was the listed reason beehaw unfederated. Because it was to easy to make a new account on .world and then spam hate on beehaw until the account was banned.