It gives me hope for the future of beehaw refederating with that instance. They host some interesting communities. To be clear, I fully support beehaw defederating, it’s just heartwarming to see instance admins do things that move things forward

  • I have a noob question. From a technical point of view, why does it matter to server A (beehaw) whether server B (world) federates with C (exploding nazis) or not? Since A is defederated from C, the content should be unavailable anyway. I completely get why a proper moderation of B itself is crucial, but what B federates with should be irrelevant if B itself stays “pure”, right? Again, from a technical point of view, because otherwise willingly federating with nazis obviously strongly correlates with allowing nazis inside. To reiterate, how is A directly affected by what B federates with? Is it merely a matter of lobbying or is there some technicality I’m missing here?

    • I think it’s more just the stance beehaw has in general. They don’t want to federate with the Nazi instance, or anyone that wants to do with them. Same way people don’t want to hang out with racists, or people who also hang out with racists.

    • The user’s comments are also content, and Server A can see threads from Server B, where Server C is trying to radicalize people to Nazi beliefs.

      Basically Server C uses Server B’s neutrality to spread

      And at that point, server A has to rely on Server B moderating for that, or their members still have to see that.

      •  possum   ( ) 
        31 year ago

        Users on server A will never see the comments from server C, regardless of where they are. It’s a bit like a shadowban on Reddit. The only reason I’m so sure of it is that I’ve seen it happen with Lemmygrad comments on