For me I say that a truck with a cab longer than its bed is not a truck, but an SUV with an overgrown bumper.

  • I think I have the problem Blazor was meant to solve, which is to say I’ve got several years experience developing backends in Java and C#, and just enough HTML and CSS to design a static page, but the various JS frameworks are gobbledegook to me that seem to mostly involve trying to shoot yourself in the foot in just the right way such that the ricochet hits your target.

    • While it may seem that way, most of the frameworks have their upsides and downsides. In the end, you’re going to have to abandon your C# land in favor of more clear client/server boundaries sooner or later.

      It’s a completely different land out there in frontend, and you must learn to properly navigate it if you want to properly be able to make good-looking and optimized frontends.