These are all products that I legitimately like and want to engage with, but linking them all to a single account and more importantly a shared recommendation engine feels very flawed.

My music playlists from Youtube Music keep showing up on my Youtube homepage. Likewise, engaging with Youtube Shorts (especially subscribing) also subscribes to their youtube channel. I don’t know about anyone else, but what I find interesting in a 30 second video is not what I find interesting in a 10-30 minute video.

I feel like Google would be better served separating these recommendation engines. Even looking at this from a monetization lens, it feels inefficient. How do you guys feel? If you have any hacks or recommendations I’d love to hear them. I’m personally ready to create a TikTok account just to avoid contaminating my youtube feed.

  • Does this work with the paid subscriptions? I figured that would require multiple subscriptions. Plus in my experience Google is really hostile to being logged into multiple accounts at a time. I wouldn’t want to have to constantly switch my Gmail for example.

    • It does work. Create YouTube brand accounts and log in to them using the same Google account. It will constantly switch all your YouTube windows to the same brand account, but it won’t affect any other Google services and it won’t charge you for additional subscriptions.

      • Just tested this. Mobile seems to respect using different youtube account between youtube app and youtube music, but desktop does not. As soon as I switch on one tab, it switches me on the other.

        Also this doesn’t do much to help with shorts, seems like the best solution would to just consume short-form video content via a non-google app.

    •  bloop   ( ) 
      11 year ago

      As long as the accounts are linked to the same email, I think it should be fine. I multiple Youtube brand accounts that are all under the same gmail address.