Risc phone 2023 running Android please?

  •  poVoq   ( @poVoq@slrpnk.net ) 
    1 year ago

    Indeed, most Risc-V SoC designs are anyway plagued by proprietary extension. I think people really mistake Risc-V for what it is given all the hype around the “open” design. It is open as in software thats licensed non-copyleft, meaning that vendors can freely take it to build their SoC but for end-users that means very little.

    • Thank you, I appreciate this sentiment. I think every article talking about RISC-V should state clear that it’s not truly open – same way article about CPUs must include a disclaimer that Xnanometer fab process is a lie marketing term.

      However, at the end of the day, when my 15 y.old phone dies from the old age, I would like to replace it with more open hardware i.e. vote with my own wallet for openness. I can’t wait RISC-VI that will open up more of its design – when it does, i’m gonna buy a second phone, rpi or anything that can sell me

      Currently RISC-V is our champion. For now gotta stick with it and to make it more mainstream before raising the bar of openness.