• Wait, then what? Is the sub going to end, or become unofficial? What will be Reddit stance when it does, will they get threatening modmails and be forced to re-open? If that happens, then Mojang should just copyright bomb their content off of Reddit as a whole, as is their right.

    • Huh? Nothing on the subreddit could possibly qualify for a copyright claim. User generated content about a videogame has never been the intellectual property of the developers, and thank God it isn’t.

      Addressing your first point though, I’m not even sure that the sub was ever officially “owned”, by Mojang, but if it was then they’ve transferred ownership, as the sub is still active and running under the original mod team.

      • Oh, so the sub will keep going. Thanks.

        User generated content about a videogame has never been the intellectual property of the developers

        Likely yes, they do. See this that explains it, I know I found it quite informative.

        • Nintendo orders the takedowns of let’s play videos on YouTube, which is valid (legally speaking) because the majority of the video is straight gameplay footage. The subreddit does not typically have videos, most people post images or make discussion posts. Game developers do not own discussion about their game.