I think it’s that if the switching fails, I’ll be left without any job and risk homelessness. And that the general narrative I hear is that “we should be grateful to have a job at all”.

  • Por que no los dos.

    It’s an interesting take. I think that if you are desparate for work you will be forced to accept an exploitative contract and that’s bad. But that having no contract allows you to be exploited much worse. A manager could literally make stuff up - one day say “you don’t work here anymore” with no notice or “you forfeited those wages because the moon was in Scorpio”.

    But unions are also important. And not having a large body of desperate workers is important.

    •  Slatlun   ( @Slatlun@lemmy.ml ) 
      2 years ago

      You’re right about being exposed to instant firing, but generally being short staffed on short notice hurts the company. For random garnished wages or whatever I depended on labor law protections. It is literally illegal to do what you describe in the places I have worked. There are probably less extreme examples that the law doesn’t protect against that a contract could, but what incentive does a company have to write protections for you into their contract? There are probably good contragts out there. I just personally don’t trust them.