Email is an open system, right? Anyone can send a message to anyone… unless they are on Gmail! School Interviews uses two email servers t…

  • So the article is about unwarranted 12 hour delays and your solution is to use a federated platform where delays are built into the system between server syncs? The fact that people cant see your other post yet because their local servers have not synced your post to this thread should be the first sign that this might not be a good solution to this email problem…

    • Email also is a federated platform that syncs. It’s just a matter of getting this working, it’s a solved problem on a conceptual level.

      For example, all mail servers come with an outbound queue for mails to retry for at least a day until the mail goes through. Lemmy simply discards the message after a single try. This is a result of being beta-level software that just hasn’t been fully finished yet.