Email is an open system, right? Anyone can send a message to anyone… unless they are on Gmail! School Interviews uses two email servers t…

  • Yeah, I think this is done to provide the illusion of choice. The rate limits are high enough to allow personal emails through, but for any mass emails or corporate emails this forces you to use Google. Unfortunately a standard corporate strategy, it’s why corporate office suites are so generic and tend to be from one of the big companies.

    • When I went to the DMV my independent mail server was immediately filtered into spam when I tried to email them my proof of insurance. It was no trivial thing for them to get it out of the spam filter, either

    • This has been my observation as well. The lowest priority notifications from my exocortex use e-mail, and they don’t seem to have any trouble getting through. I haven’t tried to run a mailing list or anything like that, though, so it wouldn’t surprise me.

    • The rate limits are high enough to allow personal emails through, but for any mass emails or corporate emails this forces you to use Google

      Not really, we deliver 200k emails daily to without any issues. Sending 1 email a day from my personal server to my personal gmail account though - I need to use brevo for that.