• I tried this because of all the calls to focus on local elections, but I found that in my area there werent any dems running for office. The choice was between “Republican party of Trump” and “Republican party of Reagan,” and in one position there was only one person running unopposed, so I didn’t bother.

    • I’m UK but we are similar with local elections, my mates seat in district council was conservative (our center right) for ever, so much so the candidate in last 2 election (8years) was uncontested and so just as a protest he decided to run as a labour (center left) in the last election. His local party paid him lip service but really only access to a printer and a few materials and a tiny spot on a blogwebpage. He never thought he would get in. He just wanted to be a protest so people didn’t have to either tick con or not vote

      But as he talked to people on doorstop he found more and more unsatisfied with conservatives.byhen come election day he got 60% of the vote, support for the con has collapsed. He now has found himself going ot district council meetings and in a coalition of power as the council swung to lib-lab-green as many other seats had similar results.