Hey all. Always enjoyed reading everyone’s suggestions on more unknown games available during big steam sales.

I’ll start off with one that I have been a fan of for a long time: Death Road to Canada

This game is like a zombie action Oregon Trail like game, where you manage supplies and fight through hordes of zombies on your way to the safe haven of Canada. Only US$3.74 right now and well worth it imo!

    • Man, Octopath Traveler was such a letdown. The total lack of character interactions with other character’s stories made protagonist selection feel pointless and the story felt even more shallow than it was. Just… so meh. I couldn’t talk myself into picking up the second one.

      • Tbh, the worst part was that the advertising for 2 really seemed to suggest they’d heard that complaint about 1 and fixed it. The put so much emphasis on the Cross Paths feature. And then you get the game and discover that it is actually just 4 quests for 4 sets of 2 travelers.

        I really expected genuine interaction. Character to be present in cutscenes and have minor comments on what’s occuring. You know, stuff the story can technically progress without, but really flesh out the world and the characters. Bosses acting like they’ve caught out a single character only to initiate a fight against my party of 4 just feels weird as hell.

    • They’re pretty different vibes tbh. I liked both. I finished Chained Echoes, and gave up on Octopath after putting it down for a few weeks and just never getting back into it.

      Chained Echoes is great, but not perfect. Some of the mechanics felt a little broken or not well polished. The difficulty was a little too insane, I had to drop it down to actually enjoy them game. But the story is there, the characters are there, and it’s cohesive and interesting and new and familiar all at the same time.

      • To me, Chained Echoes is a bunch of good parts that come together to make a great game. Nothing is perfect, but I never felt like any one part let me down (although I could probably be convinced that the gem system, or whatever it was, is very weak).

        I’m actually the opposite of you where I had to bump the difficulty up, then the combat felt engaging to me and I really enjoyed it.