I’ve always been more into competitive games, like FPS and MOBA. But now, I’m starting to like more story-focused games that will add something to my life, or just awesome games that everyone should play at some time.

Do you guys have any to recommend? Edit: I play exclusively on PC.

So far I’ve played both Portal games, truly awesome, Hollow Knight and Celeste.

  • FPS wise System Shock just had a remake come out and it is great, Bioshock is another one that is a spiritual successor that is a classic.

    In a totally different direction, the Final Fantasy series is big on story. VII is the most famous and one I’d say everyone should play. Not everyone enjoys the Japanese RPG style though.

    Planescape: Torment is a western RPG, or cRPG and it is just piles and piles of story. Don’t bother if you don’t like to read, but it is one of the best written games out there.

    The suggestion for the Mass Effect series is also great, I don’t finish too many games but I’ve finished the first 3 in that series, 1 and 2 are really good.

    • I think for another sort of ‘gold standard’ JRPG I’d recommend Persona 5R (on sale on Steam!). R is extremely forgiving for an Atlus game so makes it a much more smooth and accessible ride.

      For anything not FF (so many recommendations to make there) I’d suggest Dragon Quest XI S (also on Steam)!

      And for something a little less fantasy based, but still crazy, I think a number of the Yakuza games are on PC.