Hi everyone, I thought I’d say hi in this new community as a new moderator. I’m Foon (she/her), and I love table top games. My partner and I have been gaming a lot in the past 5 years or so, and we have a bunch of friends that turned into boardgamers too, and boardgamers that we turned into friends. So on average we get almost a game a day in.

I’m excited to discuss all things tabletop gaming with you all. Some of my favourite games are Gloomhaven/Frosthaven, Spirit Island, Aeon’s End, Terraforming Mars.

What are y’all’s favourite games?

  •  Foon   ( @Foon@beehaw.org ) OP
    51 year ago

    Ah it’s wonderful you get to game with your kids! (that’s why gamers have children, right? To play games with them? kidding, obviously)

    What sort of games do you design?

    •  David   ( @s3rvant@beehaw.org ) 
      41 year ago

      My published games are Nightfall (and its expansions), World-Z League and an upcoming deckbuilder via Universal Studios that’s manufacturing now.

      Unpublished I have an abstract on time travel and a real-time card game about competing food trucks that I co-designed with my son-in-law.

      (we have 8 kids so certainly some should take after me right? lol)

      •  Foon   ( @Foon@beehaw.org ) OP
        51 year ago

        Hot dang 8 kids?! You can even play big group games with just your immediate family!

        I don’t think I’ve played any of your games, but I took a quick look and they seem pretty cool. What’s your favourite part about designing games?

        •  David   ( @s3rvant@beehaw.org ) 
          41 year ago

          LOL yep, player count is definitely a consideration :D

          My favorite part is working out the mechanics of a game trying to create something new and fun. I almost always start with a mechanical idea that I think on for a long while as I piece together supporting mechanics toward a playable game and part way through that process a theme will generally emerge that aids in finalizing the mechanics.