My title might be a bit hyperbolic, but stuff like this worries me. I love to read and I love reading on a kindle. This has been going on for a while, but it has now reached absurd levels.

  • I heard about Royal Road. I write and planned to put a complete novel on it. That being said, I saw reports of the community there being quite averse to LGBT content (it was in an old thread on r/hobbydrama).

    As an author there, does that match your experience? Did things improve if it used to be the case? Thanks!

    • I started writing my story back in September, and I do not seem to have more than the normal amount of trollish low ratings.

      My MCs are an M/F/F thruple, I have an explicitly stated F/F couple, a not yet explicitly stated M/M couple, and one of the female MCs has an earthy attitude and took full advantage of having magic birth control and disease prevention/curing available, before getting into this relationship. Only on her terms though, and she’s a warrior-monk who broke several bones of the last guy who tried to grab her when she walked away. :D

      There’s also a forum thread that is all about collating LGBTQ+ stories, since there is not a specific tag for them.

      I am sure there are some assholes there, but it appears welcoming enough to me. I could be missing something, but at the least they are not overt.