I know this feels like an odd example, but I had heard one reason to favor GPL over AGPL is because GPL has been upheld so often in court. Here is an example of AGPL working as intended though.

  •  coolin   ( @coolin@beehaw.org ) 
    11 year ago

    The argument about companies stealing source code exists because companies are greedy and often take open source code, especially those under permissive licenses like BSD and MIT and use them without compensating the developer. This is problematic because they are essentially getting free labor from a community where the norm is to donate to projects that benefit you. Part of the whole reason why copyleft licenses like GPL and AGPL exist is to force these companies to open source their projects so that, in the worst case scenario, even they contribute to our collective code base.

    I think it is disingenuous to claim that GNU/Linux isn’t a real operating system or is messy in some way. The whole project works very well and contains billions of dollars worth of shared labor that is available to the world for free and far exceeds the quality of any other operating system. Literally the only place it isn’t dominant in market share is on the desktop.

    Though I guess copyleft licenses are spooky Marxism. how dare people work for free towards the benefit of our collective knowledge! How dare people not make only closed source code and sell it under a corporation! This is truly awful and I have deleted all open source software from