How many of you practice your karate.

  • I look around for cameras and if I find one, I stare at it for the whole ride. No one really watches those things unless something is being investigated so on the rare chance someone sees it, I’ll just be an oddity in a much more interesting tale.

    Usually I just take the stairs though. I hate surveillance.

      • Some places do but there’s not much I can do about that. I mean, have you seen the world lately? Cameras are everywhere. I may not like it but it’s a fact of life. But I’d rather have a camera on me in a stairway I’m passing through than have someone mentally assault me with forced small talk while trapped in an elevator with them.

        Honestly I stare at most cameras. It’s creepy af to be constantly surveilled so I guess the best I can do is try to creep out the watchers too once in a while. Though AI and facial recognition are slowly stealing this small joy from me as well. :/