Hi all!

I LOVE board games but don’t have a lot of people to play with. What are some good games that are either solo only or are able to be played solo? Open to all suggestions!

  • You say you’re open to anything, but can you clarify if you prefer board/card games or TTRPGs?

    There are a ton of free solo TTRPGs all along the spectrum to simple journaling games to full on RPG experiences. Alone Among The Stars, Thousand Year Old Vampire, Starforged, Colostle, and tons more. If you’re into that idea, check a few out - there are lots available pay-what-you-want on itch.

    As far as boardgames, I love Nemo’s War 2nd Edition as a solo game. Many of the Tiny Epic games have solo modes that are pretty fun. Someone else mentioned Friday which is good fun, too.

    • Not gonna lie, I was today years old when I learned about TTRPGs, or at least the proper name for them. I’ll definitely look into these, as they seem very interesting. Thank you for the suggestions!

      • Amazing! Welcome to the world (or worlds?)! There are so many different types of games that fit under this umbrella that it can be a little overwhelming.

        The games I mentioned in my above comment offer a pretty good cross-section of different types of games built for solo. But there are some I didn’t touch on. And there are also plenty of different types of multiplayer games with lots of different themes and mechanics - it’s not just D&D anymore.

        If you want any more specific recommendations or tips as you explore and get started - or if you just want to share about some of the games you’ve been playing - definitely start a new post about it in this community. I love chatting about these games!

        • I absolutely fell down the journaling TTRPG rabbit hole last night, there’s so many of them that look like fun. I’m generally a sucker for games with beautiful artwork and I got some great vibes from some of them.