Hey all. Always enjoyed reading everyone’s suggestions on more unknown games available during big steam sales.

I’ll start off with one that I have been a fan of for a long time: Death Road to Canada

This game is like a zombie action Oregon Trail like game, where you manage supplies and fight through hordes of zombies on your way to the safe haven of Canada. Only US$3.74 right now and well worth it imo!

  • Yeah, I do agree with that. It can be overwhelming, and I also think you need to be in the right headspace to play it. Like, in a mood for experimentation and exploration.

    It’s just strange for me as someone who really dislikes survival and crafting and base building and all that, that I enjoyed this for some reason.

    Honestly, I think it’s because of the language/translation aspect and the kind of weird almost-but-not-quite-Lovecraftian lore with Atlas. And also those weird Dead Space-lite freighters. Thought those were kind of cool.

    There’s a lot of shit that does feel unnecessary, though, but I think it’s because it’s trying to appeal to such a wide audience at this point. Most people, me included, will only really engage in two or three aspects of the game, but what aspects people go for are very much based on subjective preferences.

    Kind of ironic, actually. Had almost nothing at launch. Now it maybe has too much. Still, I think it’s a decent time sink if you just want to fly around and explore weird planets.