Hey all. Always enjoyed reading everyone’s suggestions on more unknown games available during big steam sales.

I’ll start off with one that I have been a fan of for a long time: Death Road to Canada

This game is like a zombie action Oregon Trail like game, where you manage supplies and fight through hordes of zombies on your way to the safe haven of Canada. Only US$3.74 right now and well worth it imo!

  • Hah, I appreciate that, but my taste often also leads to “this is trash and I love it and I don’t know why” sometimes. Or rather, “Why do other people hate this so much? It’s awesome!”

    That said, glad you might check out some of the things I listed. Hopefully at least one grabs your attention. I particularly enjoyed Quantum Conundrum because it’s just good vibes (though it does get challenging later on, but never too stressful, as far as I remember), but with a similar snark to it as Portal.

    Not the very darkly humorous stuff (although there’s a bit of that), but John DeLancie’s voicework is always engaging and has a fair amount of that sighing, “no, no, you’re doing it wrong” kind of attitude. Also, I just love his voice in general.