Songs I like from this album:

坏女孩 (Remix版)

I couldn’t even being to tell you about these songs, what they’re about, who sang them, from what sitcom they came (though it wouldn’t be difficult to find out). All I know is I like both, a lot.

I don’t know if this is Mandarin or Cantonese. I’d ask my girlfriend, she would know, but she’s at work right now :P

    • Well shit, I accidentally refreshed this tab and lost a bunch of stuff I was going to send you. My god I’m an idiot. I’ll try to send you as much as I can.

      Bjork: Stands on her own. I don’t have anything to add here. Sorry! She’s amazing.

      My Brightest Diamond: The song I heard reminds me a lot of The Do. I appreciate you sending me this one because I hadn’t heard them before now.

      The Do - Too Insistent:

      The Do - Slippery Slope:

      And for fun:

      Travel in the Sky - Jiangyang zhuoma:

      Or Renai Circulation from a popular anime:

      I’m feeling a bit mad at myself because I had about 4 times the amount of music and suggestions for you, but I don’t really feel like going through it all again after fucking it up the first time :(

        •  MooMix   ( ) OP
          1 year ago

          Weird, I responded and it never showed!

          Hope you enjoy the songs!

          Yeah for saving form data, there’s tools that can do the work for you. It can be a bit hefty adding too many Javascript libraries to handle things that may or may not be a problem. It’s pretty situational. Some sites benefit a lot from doing this (I have worked on internal facing websites that do this for complex workflows, advanced searches for reports, and things like that), but most sites don’t bother with it. Too much work/overhead for too little benefit. Most people expect their lose their form data is they close a tab or navigate away and click to confirm.

      • If you want to learn from my mistake, type everything in notepad or some other editor first, and then copy/paste it here for a bit of safety net. I should know better.

          •  MooMix   ( ) OP
            11 year ago

            No no my fault seriously I have too many tabs opened and I clicked the wrong button on the wrong tab. I screwed up. I should know better when I type a long reply.

              •  MooMix   ( ) OP
                21 year ago

                Nah haha, it has been going down a bit but no biggie. I don’t think saving unfinished posts would be too feasible because you’d need to log each key stroke (onkeydown) and then save it in a database. It’s pretty unrealistic. Don’t worry about it!

                  •  MooMix   ( ) OP
                    1 year ago

                    There’s a few ways you can store the data client side, but it still requires to log each key stroke and save it. If I closed the tab the data would have to sit until it expires, I clear it, or I visit the site again and your javascript code removed it. It’s not difficult to do, but unless there’s a good reason it’s usually more effort than it’s worth. I wouldn’t complain, but if you try it on most sites out there… they won’t remember your form data if you navigate away and then click to confirm that “you have unsaved data, but you’re still navigating away” or whatever…