wow just wow while i can’t say i didn’t see this one coming but it always amazes me where greed could lead someone

  • Honestly I think I’ll go full hoarder with YouTube archivist and find a way to stream/synchronize on my devices. I mostly use YouTube to go to sleep so there is no way I go back to videos being interrupted by loud ass ads.

    • This is what I’m doing since the elsagate scandal, and a recent one where there was an ad of an obese dude jacking off (I’m in the middle east, this happened about 6 months ago).

      I just automate the downloads of new youtube videos and let use jellyfin to watch it.

      I don’t use youtube much, but I had to selfhost because the youtube kids app is fucking nasty. I have my pihole block youtube domains for my kid’s device (firewall does captive dns/redirection of all dns requests to pihole).

      My child likes dr binocs and brave wilderness.

    • I have premium and my TA instance has been shadow-banned. Unless you are logged in in my premium account you can’t access YouTube at all, from any device in my network with or WITHOUT adblocker.

      Reached out to my counsel for review. In the corporate side I’ve likely pulled hundreds of millions of business from them to AWS/Azure as a spiteful enterprise architect.