wow just wow while i can’t say i didn’t see this one coming but it always amazes me where greed could lead someone

  • Google is an ad company. To them, a web browser is nothing more than a tool for collecting user data and delivering ads.

    When you use a chromium based browser you are allowing google, an ad company, to decide what the future of web browsing should look like. And this is the result.

    Firefox is the ONLY browser which is genuinely competing with google. Do you think ad and tracking blockers are going to get better or worse once they die out, and literally every major browser is running on chromium?

    Use firefox and u-block origin. Enjoy a superior, ad free, browsing experience, and support the future of an open web.

  • No way I’ll use YouTube with ads. The amount of your lifetime they waste is what I’d consider disrespectful to their users. Even if the ads were bearable, I wouldn’t turn off my ad blocker on any Google site for tracking alone.

    I also don’t see myself subscribing to YouTube Premium, firstly because it’s too expensive (stop including your music streaming service and make it cheaper maybe?), but also because YouTube is just a platform with a lot of not curated content that YouTube had no part in creating.

    Let’s see how the cat and mouse games between YouTube and ad blockers and alternative frontends go. If it’s too much of a hassle, I’ll just stop using YouTube. I don’t miss Twitter, I don’t miss Reddit, and I won’t miss YouTube.

  •  DrummyB   ( ) 
    731 year ago

    Probably get shit for this, but…

    I just pay for Premium.

    YT has literally become my cable. I listen to music, watch movies, documentaries, stand up comedy, news, sports… and cat videos, obviously.

    To me it’s just worth it to pay a bit of money each month and have the whole thing just available to me.

    I feel like if you were to put a money value on all the complaining, stomping of feet and trying to side-step the ads I’ve seen over the last several years, you’d probably find it’s actually less to just pay and enjoy it.

    Just my opinion, of course…

  • I haven’t had this happen using ublock origin, but if they do figure out how to block ublock origin, adnausiem (ublock origin fork) might work. It’s a fork of ublock origin that tricks the ad providers into thinking you clicked on every ad, which not only bypasses a lot of adblock detectors, it Actively costs them money by polluting their ad data with garbage.

  • Honestly I think I’ll go full hoarder with YouTube archivist and find a way to stream/synchronize on my devices. I mostly use YouTube to go to sleep so there is no way I go back to videos being interrupted by loud ass ads.

    • This is what I’m doing since the elsagate scandal, and a recent one where there was an ad of an obese dude jacking off (I’m in the middle east, this happened about 6 months ago).

      I just automate the downloads of new youtube videos and let use jellyfin to watch it.

      I don’t use youtube much, but I had to selfhost because the youtube kids app is fucking nasty. I have my pihole block youtube domains for my kid’s device (firewall does captive dns/redirection of all dns requests to pihole).

      My child likes dr binocs and brave wilderness.

    • I have premium and my TA instance has been shadow-banned. Unless you are logged in in my premium account you can’t access YouTube at all, from any device in my network with or WITHOUT adblocker.

      Reached out to my counsel for review. In the corporate side I’ve likely pulled hundreds of millions of business from them to AWS/Azure as a spiteful enterprise architect.

  • The more ad-riddled they make the platform to try and monetise users, the more they make adblocks necessary to even be usable.

    I didn’t use to both with adblockers. I didn’t like ads, but they didn’t affect me enough for me to go through any effort blocking them.

    Now I use blockers everywhere, on every platform. Even for creators I like, because I know how little they actually make for ads - so how bout instead of watching 12 hours of ads so they can get 2c, I just send them a dollar or buy their merch every once in a while to not watch ads at all? Etc.

    Ads could have had a place. There are ads that serve a purpose, that have minimal disruption but still give businesses a way to develop awareness for those who might want to use them.

    Movie trailers (including when they stopped trailing movies and started leading them) are examples of ‘acceptable ads’ to me. When I purchase something from a store and they include a printed card from their sponsor. When sports teams have logos for being sponsored. A work van with the business logo parked while out on call. Etc.

    But the internet’s online ads? Email spam? Telemarketing? These are forms of advertising that are actively hostile, and they’ve become the default. So now a user that wants to be on the internet at all is best served by block all ads, including the ones that would’ve otherwise been reasonable.

    Google will never make me feel guilty for blocking ads when they’re already making their search engine unusable, too.

  • I’m not paying for YouTube. It’s algorithm sucks, it routinely sells your personal data, and virtually none of the money you spend goes to its creators–that YouTube pretends otherwise is repulsive. How did we get in the situation where we’re being asked to pay more and more for worse and worse services? I’m not gonna be a part of it.

  • I just don’t get how these providers (Specifically Reddit with the API lockdown and now the stranglehold on mods, Twitter’s new login requirement, and YouTube now cracking down on adblockers) are missing the point that their sites live and die by user generated content.

    I understand these sites are hugely expensive to run, but if you keep alienating those who are bringing users to your site in the first place, people will stop submitting and people will stop visiting.

    •  Auli   ( ) 
      11 year ago

      Twitter and Reddit sure but youtube is not a user generated content site. youtube has big creators and they are the main reason people go to the site.

  •  prtm   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    To everyone who is saying they use adblock and haven’t seen this yet: YouTube probably rolled this out to a smaller percentage of users first. It allows them to understand how this change impacts user behaviour, e.g. how many users comply and disable their adblocker, how many more users close YouTube than usual etc. Most tech companies do this type of analysis before releasing a high impact change to all users.

    • I do close youtbe much quicker than I used to. I can watch one video and rhan I’m done. The next video starts with a full minte of ads and I’m out. I know there’s stuff like ReVanced, but I keep wondering wether it’s all worth it.

    •  zxo   ( ) 
      141 year ago

      Plus, Newpipe and the likes have been doing pretty well at getting around YouTube ads so far, it’s just the main YouTube website that has been more problematic.

      • I might be too pedantic, but Odysee/LBRY is a blockchain-based decentralized network. But its not federated and it doesn’t use activitypub like Lemmy and mastodon. I would only call Peertube to be part of the fediverse.

        • Not too pedantic at all; those are indeed two distinct ways of creating similar applications. In my opinion, federated alternatives are more appealing than those based on blockchain technologies. Federated networks are proving to provide a more palatable experience through hybrid decentralized centralization.

    • I’ve been tracking the Fediverse loosely since stumbling into StatusNet and OStatus in 2011. To see the fediverse alive and well after being away for so long makes me very happy, though I don’t share the same political opinions as many of the people here.

      That said, I’d argue there needs to be a way to spin up PeerTube and educate the masses on how to do that instead of starting a YouTube channel.

    • Peer tube is the fediverse version of YouTube.

      I don’t know much about it to be honest, but I’ve tried to use it a little just to see how it works and latency can be hit or miss.

      I mean imagine 100 people trying to stream the same video from your home network. You might not have the bandwidth to handle it.