Say you won $100 million USD post-tax. What would you do with your new found wealth?

  • I’d speak to a financial advisor to make sure I can put away enough money that we’d never have to work again while maintains a quality of life at least matching (but realistically with that kind of winning a bit higher!) than we have now)

    After that it’s all’s about giving it away to family and friends (and charities).

    I dream about winning the lottery a lot and my thoughts are always about time and experiences. I don’t think I’d ever really indulge in lots of overly expensive stuff. I just want my time back to spend with my family (and with myself!) rather than having to lose such a large portion of my life to work.

    Oh I’d also spend time (children allowing) travelling (nice lottery winner travelling) - I’d love to see more of the US national parks plus the Nordic countries.